This Robber's AB is created in a oil form with base oils that are healing, anti-bacterial, antiviral, and anti-microbal. It is great for pocket or purse and it works well on scrapes and cuts, to stave of infection.
Don't be fooled by the dropper bottle, it will last a long time and will not go bad. There are about 400 drops in this bottle and usually you will only need a drop at a time.
Here are some ways to use this Robber's AB:
- Keep out of Eyes.
- One drop on the thumb and rubbed between the thumb and forefinger should do.
- Apply to the sides of the nostrils ( not in ) at the opening. This insures that it will be breathed in.
- Also a drop rubbed into the ball of the foot will help.
- You can touch a drop at the base of the nose between the nostrils.
- Several drops can by placed in a warmer to defuse to a whole room. (good idea)
- Several drops rubbed onto the chest at night is not a bad idea.
- You can put a drop on the cotton of a bandaid and then apply to cut or scrape to help it heal.
- Probably not a good idea to apply directly on children under 2 or so, but defused in room is ok.
- Great for colds, flu, scrapes, cuts, etc. This is amazing stuff.
- Use only a drop or two at a time,( start with a drop), it is very potent.
- Come up with your own uses.
Recommended for your medicine chest and first-aid kit.
Great for the whole family & pets!
Ingredients: Safflower Oil, Clove, Cinnamon, Lemon, Rosemary, Juniper Oil, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus, Natural Vitamin
Size 1/2 ounce bottle. $19.95 plus shipping
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