to Detox your Lymph System and Colon!
You may ask why?
The answer is that we all acquire toxins in our blood and lymph
system. So it is a good idea to periodically flush the system to
maintain optimum health. The older we get the more important it
becomes. If we do not detoxify the toxins can build up and causes all
sorts of diseases.
For the last several years I have been looking for a method that
is effective, inexpensive, efficient, and does not take days to
complete. The two methods described below meet all of these
Both methods will detoxify and help build your immune system!
Method 1
Immune System Booster and Flush
You will need a powder or crystal form of
ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and purified water.
Should be done first thing in the morning.
- Mix a teaspoon of of the ascorbic
acid with 1/2 cup of pure water and sip down slowly.
- Do this every 15 minutes until you
start to flush. This will take from 2 - 4 hours.
- The toxins are released through
your bowels and will be pretty liquid. This means it is working.
- When you start eliminating, take
one more dose. You will be surprised how much it takes. For my wife
and I it was about 22,000 IU's.
- The point of maximum absorption is
at the point you start to flush.
- To determine what is needed daily, multiply the maximum
absorption by .75. so let's say max was 20,000IU, multiply by .75
and you have 15000IU. That would be your daily amount.
Pauling who developed this Flush took about 10 - 15,000IU daily. My
wife and I take about 8,000IU daily in 1,00IU capsules. This is a
good amount, though it is way above the FDA regulations.
Stay near a restroom until you are finished so that you don't get
caught off guard. Believe me this one works better than all those
fancy expensive plans. You can get ascorbic acid powder for about
$10.00, and this will more than enough for 3 flushes.
- Method 2 Sea Salt Detox
- Should be done first thing in the morning.
temperature pure water.
2. Drink in about 15 minutes until gone. Repeat same procedure in another 30 minutes.
3. You will flush in about 1 - 3 hours.
The benefit of this detox is that you also get absorption of the
trace minerals in sea salt.
Here's a list:
Hydrogen H 1 0.30 g/kg DIN
Lithium Li 3 0.40 g/kg AAS
Beryllium Be 4 <0.01 ppm AAS
Boron B 5 <0.001 ppm FSK
Carbon C 6 <0.001 ppm FSK
Nitrogen N 7 0.024 ppm ICG
Oxygen O 8 1.20 g/kg DIN
Flouride F- 9 <0.1 g/kg Potentiometer
Sodium Na+ 11 382.61 g/kg FSM
Magnesium Mg 12 0.16 g/kg AAS
Aluminum Al 13 0.661 ppm AAS
Silicon Si 14 <0.1 g/kg AAS
Phosphorus P 15 <0.10 ppm ICG
Sulfur S 16 12.4 g/kg TXRF
Chloride Cl- 17 590.93 g/kg Gravimetrie
Potassium K+ 19 3.5 g/kg FSM
Calcium Ca 20 4.05 g/kg Titration
Scandium Sc 21 <0.0001 ppm FSK
Titanium Ti 22 <0.001 ppm FSK
Vanadium V 23 0.06 ppm AAS
Chromium Cr 24 0.05 ppm AAS
Manganese Mn 25 0.27 ppm AAS
Iron Fe 26 38.9 ppm AAS
Cobalt Co 27 0.60 ppm AAS
Nickel Ni 28 0.13 ppm AAS
Copper Cu 29 0.56 ppm AAS
Zinc Zn 30 2.38 ppm AAS
Gallium Ga 31 <0.001 ppm FSK
Germanium Ge 32 <0.001 ppm FSK
Arsenic As 33 <0.01 ppm AAS
Selenium Se 34 0.05 ppm AAS
Bromine Br 35 2.1 ppm TXRF
Rubidium Rb 37 0.04 ppm AAS
Strontium Sr 38 0.014 g/kg AAS
Ytterbium Y 39 <0.001 ppm FSK
Zirconium Zr 40 <0.001 ppm FSK
Niobium Nb 41 <0.001 ppm FSK
Molybdenum Mo 42 0.01 ppm AAS
Technetium Tc 43 unstable artificial isotope - not included
Ruthenium Ru 44 <0.001 ppm FSK
Rhodium Rh 45 <0.001 ppm FSK
Palladium Pd 46 <0.001 ppm FSK
Silver Ag 47 0.031 ppm AAS
Cadmium Cd 48 <0.01 ppm AAS
Indium In 49 <0.001 ppm FSK
Tin Sn 50 <0.01 ppm AAS
Antimony Sb 51 <0.01 ppm AAS
Tellurium Te 52 <0.001 ppm FSK
Iodine I 53 <0.1 g/kg potentiometrie
Cesium Cs 55 <0.001 ppm FSK
Barium Ba 56 1.96 ppm AAS/TXR
Lanthan La 57 <0.001 ppm FSK
Cerium Ce 58 <0.001 ppm FSK
Praseodynium Pr 59 <0.001 ppm FSK
Neodymium Nd 60 <0.001 ppm FSK
Promethium Pm 61 unstable artificial isotope - not included
Samarium Sm 62 <0.001 ppm FSK
Europium Eu 63 <3.0 ppm TXRF
Gadolinium Gd 64 <0.001 ppm FSK
Terbium Tb 65 <0.001 ppm FSK
Dysprosium Dy 66 <4.0 ppm TXRF
Holmium Ho 67 <0.001 ppm FSK
Erbium Er 68 <0.001 ppm FSK
Thulium Tm 69 <0.001 ppm FSK
Ytterbium Yb 70 <0.001 ppm FSK
Lutetium Lu 71 <0.001 ppm FSK
Hafnium Hf 72 <0.001 ppm FSK
Tantalum Ta 73 1.1 ppm TXRF
Wolfram W 74 <0.001 ppm FSK
Rhenium Re 75 <2.5 ppm TXRF
Osmium Os 76 <0.001 ppm FSK
Iridium Ir 77 <2.0 ppm TXRF
Platinum Pt 78 0.47 ppm TXRF
Gold Au 79 <1.0 ppm TXRF
Mercury Hg 80 <0.03 ppm AAS
Thallium Ti 81 0.06 ppm AAS
Lead Pb 82 0.10 ppm AAS
Bismuth Bi 83 <0.10 ppm AAS
Polonium Po 84 <0.001 ppm FSK
Astat At 85 <0.001 ppm FSK
Francium Fr 87 <1.0 ppm TXRF
Radium Ra 88 <0.001 ppm FSK
Actinium Ac 89 <0.001 ppm FSK
Thorium Th 90 <0.001 ppm FSK
Protactinium Pa 91 <0.001 ppm FSK
Uranium U 92 <0.001 ppm FSK
Neptunium Np 93 <0.001 ppm FSK
Plutonium Pu 94 <0.001 ppm FSK
Additional Combined Elements
Water H2O 1.5 g/kg DIN
Ammonium NH4+ 0.010 ppm Photometrie
Nitrate NO3- 0.09 ppm Photometrie
Phosphate PO4 3- <0.10 ppm ICG
Hydrogencarbonate HCO3- <1.0 g/kg Titration
The sodium chloride content is 97.41% and meets the worldwide necessary standards for table salt.
g/kg – Grams per kilogram
DIN – German Standards Institute
ICG – Ionchromatography
AAS – Atom absorbtion spectrometry
TXRF – Total reflection - X-Ray - Floresence-Spectometry
ppm – Parts per million
FSM – Flamespectrometry
FSK – Frequency Spectroscope
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